School Donor and Legacy Walls Add Pride to Community Involvement

Learning Zone interior signage installation
Show Pride in Your Company’s Past Achievements with a Timeline or History Wall
Experiential design concept image
Improving Customer Experience Through Experiential Design
Learning Zone interior signage installation
Show Pride in Your Company’s Past Achievements with a Timeline or History Wall
Experiential design concept image
Improving Customer Experience Through Experiential Design
Legacy wall display

Have you ever thought about how you’d like to be remembered? Where you’d like to leave your name when you’re gone? Or even a proud place to visit when you can? Perhaps you’ve already done something like this. You’ve left a legacy. You added your name to a brick that was incorporated into a new building to help it be built. Your name is on a plaque for donating to a special cause. You can’t deny the pride that comes along with your donation. Wouldn’t you like to provide that opportunity for any number of others who might feel passionately about a cause you are involved with? You can make it happen! And we can help!

Legacy Walls

Providing a legacy wall is the perfect way to thank those who have contributed in various ways to the creation of something related to a business, usually a part of the building. It’s a gift given back to the donor in the form of something physical that will live on forever.

Another use for a legacy wall is to commemorate those who have done something special and deserve recognition. You will find legacy walls that commemorate those lost in war or other tragedies. The Vietnam Memorial is a legacy wall.

Who Can Use Legacy Walls?

  • Non-Profit Organizations Raising Money for Their Cause
  • Community Service Organizations Who’d Like to Recognize Volunteers
  • Companies Adding Special Areas to Their Space
  • Companies With a Rich Heritage Deserving Recognition
  • Proud Parents
  • Any Group Building Community Around A Special Cause!

A beautiful example of recognition of donors coming together to support a cause can be found at Thompson’s Station Middle School. Supporters contributed to covering the cost of materials not included in the school’s budget. They were thanked with a permanent display of their names on glass plaques covering their Thunder Legacy Wall.

Thunder Legacy Walls

Not all kids share the same financial privileges. In those cases, financial donors are crucial to ensuring a positive school experience for all children. As thanks, the Thompson’s Station Middle School showed their appreciation with a permanent display of their names on glass plaques.

School Donor Walls

A School Donor Legacy Wall deserves a special explanation as it has many more specific uses than just recognizing those who have donated money. Consider a wall for:

  • Athletic Record Breakers
  • Hall of Fame Teachers
  • Science Project Winners
  • School Board Members
  • School Play Productions
  • Friends and Family Members

The list could go on and on. One such example of a creatively designed school donor wall can be found at Creekside Elementary School. Notice how unique the design is. School donor walls can be created to specifically fit your school’s colors and personality. They also can grow with time if the design allows, which provides opportunities for additions throughout the years.

Legacy Walls

We designed, fabricated, and installed this donor legacy wall display for the elementary school to thank their “First Families” and business partners at Creekside Elementary.

If your company or school has a special project coming up that requires donations from those who might be close to your business in some way, think about providing space for a legacy wall. 12-Point SignWorks can help you design the perfect space for your commemoration. Give your donors the opportunity to become immortalized.

School Donor and Legacy Walls Add Pride to Community Involvement
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